Archive | September 2012

Whoopie Pies

Chocolate Whoopie Pies…2 moist, rich, chocolate soft cookies on the outside, fluffy creamy filling sandwiched in the middle. This sweet treat was first introduced to me when I moved to Hubby’s land, Pennsylvania. They were sure to be found at any Amish roadside stand or bakery.
I learned that it is best to freeze most of the whoopie pies otherwise we’d eat them within a couple days. Yes, they are quite addicting.

When we left Pennsylvania, this was one recipe I kept handy. When we’d be missing family and friends, this special treat helped them feel near. As the children grew and began having friends over they soon realized, these Kansans had no idea what a whoopie pie was. In fact, I recall one friend thinking the kids were saying something bad! J Soon my four youngsters were requesting whoopie pies whenever they had opportunity to share treats at school or parties. This continued as they got older as well.

When my first-born was selecting his party food for high school graduation celebration, whoopie pies were first on the list. I’m not sure why I was surprised when some friends and cousins arrived at the party and asked, “Do you have whoopie pies?” I don’t recall how many batches I made, but they disappeared in a hurry!

Next came college, and this Mom can’t go visit without taking goodies. Of course, I usually include a batch of whoopie pies! As I was mixing, baking, sandwiching and freezing today, it dawned on me that there will not be many more college visits. My youngest is a university senior!

Pardon the interruption, but all this talk about whoopie pies has made me hungry for another one…

Okay. I’m back.

In recent years, the secret sensation of the whoopie pie has gotten out, and bakers all over the country are making changes to suit most any sweet tooth and flavor favorite. There is even a published cookbook titled Whoopie Pie. However, in my kitchen tradition rules – we’ll stick to chocolate with cream filling!

Whoopie pies are not only sweet to the taste, but conjure up sweet memories and thoughts as well. I can just imagine the sweet smile and gleaming eyes of my youngest one when I arrive with these goodies in hand. This in turn presses my thoughts to the sweetness of my God and his Word.

How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey. Psalm 119:103 NLT

Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.              Proverbs 16:24 NLT