Archive | February 2013

Valentine Show and Tell

It’s show and tell time, and I have several things to show you.  Mr. Postman delivered my Valentine packages, so as promised last week, I can now share the results of those crafty inspirations.

First, I thought of my three girls, and their beautiful diamonds, engagement and wedding rings given as a token of love and commitment. I sorted through my jar of buttons, and glued a border on a small picture frame.  I also attached a dangling hook, and wrote a little verse.

Just a little something
Made with love
To hold your diamond ring
While you scrub

photo(6)Won’t these be handy by the sink?

Next, I thought of the four guys.  Hubby and I made a list of character traits for each one.  Then I wrote them on individual construction paper hearts and stuffed them in an envelope.

DSC01338It’s a good kind of heart attack!

I could not leave out our grandson.  He is getting pretty good at putting puzzles together. So I printed a silly picture of Pops and Mema, glued it to cardboard and cut out puzzle pieces.  I don’t know how long the puzzle will last, but I’m sure he’ll be able to put it together at least a couple times.  I can almost hear him exclaim, “Pops and Mema!” as it gets put together.


Gift giving does not have to be expensive, and there are many things to do or make especially if  one is on a tight budget. I personally enjoy the time it takes to craft a gift, because I also use that time to think of and pray for the recipient.

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”   2 Corinthians 9:7