Archive | August 2013

Tomatoes and a Dry Spell

Have you ever had a dry spell in your walk with God? A time when nothing horrible was going on. In fact, life was smooth sailing, yet you longed for growth that would result in maturity.

A few months ago, when it was finally warm enough, I planted a long double row of beautiful bushy tomato plants. I fertilized, mulched, watered and anticipated big juicy ripe tomatoes. However, they just stood there barely growing an inch and didn’t bloom. I knew they were putting down roots, though. After watering regularly for 3 months, it began to rain. Showers and downpours in the midst of what is typically the hottest driest days of summer in Southwest Kansas produced miraculous growth and blooming in the tomato row. Now the plants are loaded with green tomatoes slowly ripening to red.

Sometimes life is like that. We fertilize, mulch and water spiritually through Bible reading, study, church, prayer and such, yet feel like nothing is happening. No growth. No new insights. Don’t be disheartened, and don’t become lazy during this dry spell. Rather, being rooted and grounded in God’s word during the smooth time is what prepares us for the next growth spurt so we will be ready to stand strong, flourish and produce fruit.

Jesus said, “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NLT