Archive | April 2015

Maundy Thursday Ponderings

On this Maundy Thursday, I have pondered throughout the day. I wonder; if I had lived when Jesus did, would I have been in the crowd singing praises to Him. Would I have been the one to prepare the “Last Supper”. or clean the “Upper Room” and make sure it was ready for Jesus and his guests?

As the sun begins to set beyond the trees…

sunset                                                                                                              I wonder…

If I had been one of Jesus’ disciples, how would I have felt when he washed my stinky, filthy feet? Would I have been like Peter, protesting, and then requesting Jesus  wash my hands and head as well? What would I have thought when Jesus said “And you disciples are clean but not all of you”? (John 13:10b)

Would I have suspected Judas to be the one Jesus said would betray him?

Maundy means command.  Jesus said to the disciples,

“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:34,35 NLT

Would I have understood that Jesus wanted me to serve others in love? As Jesus, continued to teach, how much would I have understood. The figures of speech, would I have grasped their meanings? Would I have been able to say with the other disciples,  “Now we understand that you know everything, and there’s no need to question you. From this we believe that you came from God.” (John 16:30 NLT)

How special I would have felt to hear Jesus pray for me and the other disciples. In fact, reading Jesus’ prayer (John 17), I do feel special, loved, cared for, and encouraged. I want to encourage you,dear reader, to read the account of the “Last Supper”. Much can be gleaned from the interaction between Jesus and his disciples immediately before the betrayal and Jesus’ arrest. Don’t miss out on this important part of the Easter story. Read John 13 – 17.