Archive | January 2016

A Trailer of Old Windows

A few years ago, a friend was replacing windows in a house. He called my husband and said, “I have all these windows that you should pick up so I don’t have to haul them to the landfill. Surely your wife has a project for them.”

Hubby brought that trailer load home, and the windows got sorted and stacked neatly in a shed. I immediately knew what OUR project would be. However, farm work and lack of confidence kept us from moving forward.

The windows had been stacked, sorted, measured, broken panes replaced, and re-stacked for a year. Finally, Hubby said, “Let’s get started.” So we started. We set all 4 corner support posts, and then it was time to drill wheat. Those 4 posts stood tall like pillars from August to May!

Very slowly, when farm work would allow, one window at a time would be attached to frame work. By end of July, we finally had all 4 sides put together.



In August, the roof and door were finally in place.



I loved the old chipped patina on the reclaimed door, so I lightly sanded and sealed.

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Eventually, a “U” shaped potting bench was made with just a foot path through the middle of the house.

An old door makes a fun shelf for old tins and watering cans, and a hand-me-down chandelier adds a bit of glitz to this one-of-a-kinds greenhouse.

Jose’ the Hose Holder and hanging can with flowers great all who pass by.

Our trailer load of windows is now a greenhouse for starting garden seeds, and extending our growing season.

What would you do with a trailer of old windows?