Archive | May 2016

Too Many Glitches

I can’t think of a much better way to begin my day than some time with God and then coffee and breakfast outside with my hubby. This morning dawned a beautiful, calm morning with pleasant temperatures so that’s exactly what happened.


Now, just because the day has a great beginning, it is no indication that the entire day will follow suit.

For a few years, my washing machine has had issues with the cold water. For some reason, the cold water just dribbles in. However, the hot water runs great. With the wash setting at “warm”, the water is actually hot which has resulted in too many outfits shrunk. The other day Mr. Plumber replaced the cold water pipe from the main line to the washer hook-up. I don’t usually get excited about doing laundry, but this morning was different. I was eager to see how quickly I could run a load through with a better cold water supply. I left the laundry room door open so I could hear the washer while I began my office work. I was pleasantly surprised how quick the washer filled and began agitating. I was in the process of categorizing an invoice when suddenly I heard water forcefully splashing in the laundry room. I raced to see what was going on. The washer was emptying the dirty water onto the floor! Mr. Plumber apparently forgot to put the drain hose back in the drain. UGH!! My stacked washer/dryer combo full of work jeans and half full of water was too heavy for me to pull it away from the wall to clean up the water mess. Fortunately, Hubby was still at the shop, and graciously moved it for me. Mopping the laundry room floor, and deep cleaning behind the washer was not on my agenda for today, but I can now say my spring cleaning has officially begun!

With the laundry room scrubbed, I finally returned to my office tasks. Bill paying and preparing invoices should not have taken as long as it did today. Let me just say that when a deposit does not get entered, the books do not balance.

When my office duties were complete, I was finally able to work outside. As I was walking through the yard, my dog ahead of me suddenly stopped and began to raise a ruckus. I cautiously approached, but couldn’t see what she was fussing about. Swiftly she flung something in the air, then pounced at it, barked, grabbed it in her mouth, and slapped it to the ground. It was just a garter, but there’s one less snake to startle me.

Towards evening I went for a walk/jog. My dog was having a hayday, scaring up rabbits and giving them a good chase. My heart rate quickened as I high stepped over this critter!

image Yes, those are little button rattles on his tail!

Today had more glitches than I fancy. However, I am thankful for …a washing machine, clean scrubbed floor, helpful Hubby, balanced accounts, God’s provision,  protective dog, God’s protection, humor, and oh so much more.

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Psalm 68:19