Archive | October 2012

10 Things…

Isn’t God amazing! He blesses us over and over even when we don’t deserve it or take time to notice. Ten things I recognize as gifts of blessing to begin this month are:
Apple Picking is one of my favorite things about Fall. Picking on Monday took me down memory lane as I thought of all the times My Children and I picked at the local orchard. I couldn’t help smiling as I heard Laughter from excited youngsters hidden behind a row of trees laden with gorgeous, juicy apples.
A Dear Friend is a grandma again. This New Life is a handsome little boy.
God has allowed me to hang out with and minister to several Young Ladies. I love watching how they grow and mature in life and in their relationship with God. It also helps keep me young. 🙂
A Garden that is still producing! Will it get zapped by frost by weeks end?
This morning my phone chimed with a new text message…a LOVE Note from my hubby. ❤
It took a 30 year reunion to Rekindle Friendships~ Sally and Shelly, I am so excited that we have reconnected!
The Desire to learn and grow. Sometimes it is easier to simply let life happen, and I have spent too many years of my life doing that. Yes, the desire to learn and grow is a blessing from the Lord, and I have so much yet to learn.

I continue on this journey of intentionally counting 1000 Gifts in 2012- The Joy Dare. If you are not in the practice of intentionally looking for God’s blessings I’d encourage you to begin today. If you would like to follow the list I’m using for October click HERE. A few gifts we’ll look for are: 3 gifts prayed for, a gift baked/stirred/eaten, 3 gifts on time, a gift surrendered.

How is God blessing you this week? I’d love for you to leave a comment and share your joy!